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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reflecting on 10 Years of Somersizing

It's been an exciting and challenging journey so far.  I have been struggling with letting go of the Somersize way of life.  In March, I reachd my 10th Anniversary of Somersizing, I took some time to reflect on my journey.

I loved that I found a plan that allowed me to eat foods I love without counting calories, fat grams, weighing and measuring my foods, etc.  I learned that if I ate according to the program I could eat as much food as I wanted and still loose weight.

In the beginning, during the first 3 months, I lost 30 lbs. and was at my goal weight.  This was great, ...but over the years I learned that I could stick to the plan, loose the weight, but always seemed to put it back on and then some.

I just kept feeling discouraged with not being able to maintain my weight on Somersize.  When Suzanne came out with her book Sexy Forever, I bought it immediately and read it cover to cover only to discover that she "changed the rules."  After 10 years of food combining (really, it's better understood if you refer to it as separating food groups) she had a change of heart and is now combining foods that she had not previously.

So, that change led me to do some really deep, soul searching on how I really felt about the Somersize program.  In the end, I have concluded that I can loose weight but I can't maintain my weight on her program.  I agree with the changes that she has made and in my quest for being healthy and looking great, I feel that I owe it to myself to acknowledge and accept my change of heart and to continue searching for what is the "best way of eating" for me.

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