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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fast Food, Diet Soda, and Sugar

I said goodbye to fast food and diet soda in 2011.  I tried to say goodbye to sugar but it managed to sweet-talk it's way into staying in my life.

I am proud of my attempts, ...from June until October I did not eat any foods with added sugar of any kind.  Yes, I actually went five whole months, incredible progress for me.

Then, on October 10th, while enjoying dinner with my handsome magician I indulged in one bite of Friday's Peanut Butter pie (honestly, I would have eaten the whole thing but was full).  Then, I said goodbye again for another two months before I found myself saying hello to my homemade Orange Sweet Pecan Roll on Christmas morning. 

That was just enough to get the addiction going again.  It's sad but true, ...the week between Christmas and New Year's I ate a small bite here and another bite there of Kenny's sweetened treats (strawberry yogurt ice-cream, pancakes with maple syrup and a chocolate ho-ho).  It should of stopped there but didn't.  Nutcracker Ball Cookies.  Yes, just three little words, but they have such a festive ring, don't they?

I made a batch on Wednesday evening and by Thursday evening, they were gone.  GONE!  Yes, I ate all 18 of those little nutty balls.  I continued to eat clean, so I wasn't hungry.  Yet, I couldn't stop eating them, all of them ...until they were gone.  Yes, they were tasty, but it was more than that.  I wasn't eating, I was "feeding" an addiction to sugar.  Oh, and did I mention that they are 3 pts. each?   Ugghh, I did the math, that's 54 (frick'en) pts.!!!  Geeze Louise!!!

So (again) I am reminded that I have an addiction to sugar.  As sweet as it is (and it always is) I know that the time has come again for me to say goodbye to sugar.

Cheers!!! (my glass of water is held high) ...Here's to a sweet year in 2012 without any sugar!!!

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